Dr Carolina Barillas-Mury

Dr. Barillas-Mury obtained her M.D. from “Universidad Francisco Marroquín de Guatemala” and her Ph.D. from the University of Arizona. She completed her post-doctoral training at Harvard University and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg. She joined the NIH in 1993 and became an NIH Distinguished Investigator in 2016. She chairs the Mosquito Immunity and Vector Competence Section, which investigates the interactions between the mosquito immune system and Plasmodium parasites critical for malaria transmission, with the goal of disrupting the parasite’s life cycle and preventing human disease. She received the 2010 Bailey K. Ashford Medal from the American Society of Tropical Medicine (ASTMH), the 2013 Sanofi/Pasteur Award in Tropical and Neglected Diseases, and was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2014 and the National Academy of Medicine in 2021. She became a Fellow of ASTMH in 2017 and of the Entomological Society of America in 2020.

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